meet the industry
‘meet the industry’ is a platform whose aim is to show representatives of different industry segments what form partnerships in areas such as automotive, food, retail, tourism, logistics and healthcare might take. ‘meet the industry’ brings together the different sectors to discuss topics of mutual interest while taking into account different approaches.
'meet the industry' highlights current issues in industry and the digital economy and addresses the challenges and opportunities of different thematic clusters. It also gives you the chance to obtain valuable information for you and your business, make contact with potential business partners and present your company.
Digitalisation is having an impact the whole of society and all sectors of the economy. When it comes to adding value, the importance of data-driven services and business models has increased considerably in recent years, and this trend is very likely to continue in the future.
In SMEs, digitalisation is seen as an opportunity – but it is also a cost driver, as it involves additional investments.
Many new companies create added value for the customer on the basis of digital business models. From the user’s point of view, they can make established markets – whether online or offline – much more transparent, competitive and innovative, which pushes prices down and results in better quality products and services. At the same time, they can also lead to greater differentiation and therefore more choice for the customer. For example: against the backdrop of increasing integration and networking, cross-sector or platform-driven data exchange can give rise to attractive new bundles of products and services.
Collaborations between start-ups, SMEs and industry therefore provide considerable potential for developing highly effective digital business models. Start-ups need access to the markets, while SMEs and industry need access to digital innovations.
Bringing companies and start-ups together must be seen as a key factor in the digital future of Germany.
The 'meet the industry' event is organised by media.connect brandenburg in collaboration with the ICT, Media and Creative Industries Cluster Management and the Potsdam Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Rückblick 3. Forum MEDIA meets IT: USER EXPERIENCE
Rund 90 Gäste folgten am 15. April 2013 der Einladung von media.connect brandenburg, der Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der IHKs Berlin und Brandenburg und der TSB Innovationsagentur Berlin zum 3. Media meets IT Forum in Potsdam. mehr...
Rückblick 2. Forum MEDIA meets IT
Am 25. Januar 2012 luden media.connect brandenburg und die Industrie- und Handelskammern Berlin-Brandenburg zum zweiten „MEDIA meets IT" Forum. Auf dem Podium der IHK Potsdam fanden sich unter dem Motto „2 Branchen. 1 Lösung" Vertreter der Telekom Innovation Laboratories,, dem Cornelsen Verlag, Pega Publishing, arvato Entertainment Europe und aus der Filmbranche ein. mehr...
Rückblick MEDIA meets IT Dinner
Rückblick 1. Forum MEDIA meets IT
Mit der Digitalisierung der Medien und der Medialisierung von IT bewegen sich die Medien- und IT-Branchen immer schneller aufeinander zu. Das enorme Innovationspotential, das in dieser Begegnung steckt kann nur durch eine gemeinsame Sprache und einer Plattform für den professionellen Austausch genutzt werden.
Was können diese Branchen voneinander lernen? Was können sie füreinander tun? Und wie können sie voneinander profitieren? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, initiierte media.connect brandenburg 2011 das erste Brandenburger Forum „MEDIA meets IT".
Gemeinsam mit den Industrie- und Handelskammern aus Berlin und Brandenburg sowie der Branchentransferstelle IKT und Medien diskutierten auf der Roten Couch am 25. Januar 2011 u.a. Axel Springer, Nowtilus und Apple.