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MediaTech Hub Potsdam

Potsdam, the Digital Hub for MediaTech. The MediaTech Hub Potsdam is a physical place and a network at once. On the basis of the location’s established film and IT expertise, new digital methods for data utilization and media production (e.g. virtual and augmented reality) are developed and implemented.


The MediaTech Hub Potsdam rests on two central pillars of the 21st century digital industry: media and IT. Throughout its 100-year status as a film and media centre, Potsdam has been and remains at the forefront of the interface between storytelling and technical innovation.

This combination offers huge potential, providing the key to digital transformation. Potsdam is home to the biggest film studio in Europe and the oldest large-scale studio in the world, the first ever film school, the largest privately financed IT research facility, as well as the headquarters of UFA, Europe’s market leader in film and television production. Future media technologies and digital engineering accumulate around the core focus of storytelling. These innovations can also be used to tap into new customer groups beyond the entertainment industry (like industry clients interested in virtual reality).

The concept of ‘future media technologies’ primarily represents the complete transition to digital media: internet-based and digital technologies, video and mobile, visual effects and animation, games and interactive media all go hand in hand with big data usage and networking, for example when it comes to information about the production and distribution process and the handling of large data volumes. Nowadays, these areas of expertise are as central to a digital hub as a modern infrastructure. Our location near the capital ensures the interplay between modern, urban society and a creative, international milieu of specialists, start-ups and thought leaders, resulting in a distinct innovative advantage.

Find out more:




MediaTech Hub Potsdam Management GmbH
Andrea Peters & Peter Effenberg

Alina Wilhelm
Assistenz – Event- und Marketingorganisation
T. +49 331 5824-3548

Logo hUb

Im Auftrag der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam und gefördert aus Mitteln des Bundes und des Landes Brandenburg im Rahmen der Gemeinschaftsaufgabe: „Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsinfrastruktur“ - GRW-Infrastruktur



media.connect brandenburg
Alice Bucher
+49 30 2462 857-16
+49 30 2462 857-19